LATEST NEWS: School shall remain closed as per Govt.orders for protection against COVID-19 spread, till any further orders.  Students should pursue self study at home as per the Homework schedule on website   Students and Parents should take all precautionery measures even at home to avoid more outspread of Corona Virus  

School Diary

  • Every Pratapian is expected to be considerate and courteous to everyone in all aspects at all times.
  • We will be regular & punctual to school.
  • We will come to school dressed smartly & in proper school uniform & bring all the necessary study material needed in the school.
  • We will keep the campus clean & tidy. This means putting all litter in bins & taking good care of walls, furniture & other school property. After all, Cleanness is next to Godliness.
  • We will move in an orderly & disciplined manner in the school, so as to maintain a healthy, safe & pleasant environment.
  • We will greet our teachers, others staff members & visitors respectfully.
  • We will be polite & courteous towards fellow students. We will not call people names or poke fun at them in a way which makes them feel humiliated.
  • We will participate in all school co-curricular & sport activities in a true spirit of competition & sportsmanship.
  • We will complete Assignments allotted to us in time. We shall remain silent in class & wait for our turn to express our view.
  • We will be sensitive to the environment. We will appreciate & identify the trees & foliage around us & make effort to preserve them. We will switch off the lights & fans before leaving the classrooms.
  • We will remember that school’s reputation depends on the way we behave.

Parents are informed that their children may be sent home

  • After three warnings for arriving late.
  • For not wearing the proper school uniform.
  • For not paying fee for four months consecutively.

Parents should

  • Inform the school at the earliest possible in case of any change in the address, telephone no. or emergency contact number.
  • See that their wards come to school regularly & punctually & are dressed neatly in the school uniform.
  • Provide their specimen signatures in the school diary.
  • NOT meet their children or the teachers during school hours without the permission of the director.
  • NOT allow students to bring valuables to school. The school does not take responsibility for the same. Further, the school will not be held responsible in any way for the loss of any personal property.
  • NOT allow the children to carry mobile phones or any other gadgets to the school. The defaulter will be expelled with immediate effect & the confiscated instrument will be returned to parents after paying a fine of Rs. 500/- or more at the end of the academic session.
  • Parents are advised to check the diary of their wards & ensure that they complete their home-work in time.
  • Parents are requested to sign all the class tests & answer sheets to keep track of their ward’s progress in academics.
  • Ensure that the children pack their school bags for school as per the time-table to avoid being overloaded.
  • Your child should be regular in class as frequent absence hampers the progress of the child.
  • Whenever a teacher sends you a note, kindly reply back & does the needful.
  • Parents should also send written note in the diary if they want to discuss anything about their ward’s studies.
  • Parents are informed that their children may be sent home for not paying fee for four months consecutively.
  • Kindly pay the fee as per the schedule:
    • April + May + June till 10th of April
    • July + August till 10th of July
    • September + October till 10th of September
    • November + December till 10th of November
    • January + February + March till 10th of January

Late fee fine:

  • Rs. 50/- (11th to 20th of prescribed month)
  • Rs. 100/- (20th to 30th of prescribed month)

Fine will not be waved off in any cases

Please do take receipt after paying the fee otherwise it will not be considered paid.

  • Staying involved in your child’s education is the key to good parenting & P.T.M serves this purpose well.
  • P.T.Ms are held for parents to interact with class teachers about their ward’s academic progress.
  • Prior information is sent to you regarding the date & time of P.T.M.
  • In case parents are unable to attend P.T.M, they can meet teachers between 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. every Saturday.
  • Parents desiring to avail of the school bus are advised to contact the school office for transport arrangements of their wards. Students wishing to discontinue the use of this facility should inform the office one month in advance failing which the bus fee for the entire month will be paid.
  • The school does not take responsibility for any private transport.
  • Bus Rules
  • All students should obey the respective staff/monitors, the driver & conductor of their buses.
  • Staff/monitor should check the entry of a new person in the bus.
  • Any quarrel/fights & disputes should be reported to the concerned authority of the school, the bus in-charge, co-coordinators, Vice –Principal, Principal at the earliest. Misbehavior in the bus will disqualify the student from using the school transport.
  • Safety saves. Student should avoid travelling on footboards. They should remain seated & avoid unnecessary movement in the bus.
  • Students are advised not to get on/off the bus while it is moving, or at the traffic signals/crossings etc. They must not take out any part of their body outside the moving bus.
  • Eatables or wrappers should not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus.
  • Bullying, using foul language or carrying objectionable materials are punishable offences.
  • If any student is found using transport facility without informing in the office, he/she will be fined Rs. 250/-.
  • For meeting director/incharge
  • Summer: 11 a.m. to 12:00 noon
  • Winter: 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
  • For meeting teachers:-
  • PTM as scheduled
  • Visitors are expected not to disturb teachers during school hours.
  • No school business will be transacted on holidays.
  • Parent-Teacher meetings will be held on the second Saturdays of May, August, November & February. In addition, parents can use the space provided in the diary for any other interaction with the teachers
  • One month’s notice in writing is to be given, duly signed by the parents/guardians for withdrawing a student from the school. For refund of caution money (security deposit), an application is to be submitted by the parents/guardians to the school within three months from the date of making the request for the issue of migration certificate or declaration of result by the school.
  • Transfer certificates will be issued to the children leaving Pratap Public School. Duplicate certificates may be had from the office on payment of Rs. 250/- each.
  • All articles found on the school premises will be placed in the lost & found box. Students may claim these before & after school hours. Kindly label all personal belongings of your child so that they may be returned if lost or misplaced. Unclaimed atricles will be given to charitable institution before the summer & winter holidays.
  • There are no criteria of re-appearing in Formative & Summative Assessments. Don’t allow your child to miss any assessment otherwise he/she will be marked absent.
  • Children are not permitted to wear any jewelry in school. If they are found doing so it will be considered confiscated.
  • Wearing nail varnish, coloring/streaking of hair or using hair gel is not permitted.
  • Boys with short hair are required to have a crew cut & girls with hair longer than shoulder length is required to plait it, so as to have a sober & decent look.
  • Only black or white hairclips/bands are permissible.
  • If progress in studies is unsatisfactory, the school has a right to ask for the withdrawal of the concerned student. This right also applies to patent cases of dishonesty, lack of manners, disloyalty to school, gross misbehavior, cheating in the exam etc.
  • Any pupil whose name has been stuck of the rolls & who seeks re-admission shall have to pay the admission fee again.
  • No leave of absence will be granted except for genuine reason. A prior written request from the parents /guardians on the ‘Leave –Absence Record’ page given in the Almanac is must.
  • Students who absent themselves without leave will be fined Rs. 5/- for each day of absence.
  • Absence without leave for more than ten days consecutively will render the student liable to to removal from school rolls.
  • Parents are requested not to take their wards during school hours unless there is a major, unforeseen eventuality.
  • No half-day leave will be sanctioned without written request from the parents.
  • Willful mass absenteeism shall be punished by a special fine of Rs. 50/- per day.

All the students are required to wear the prescribed uniform daily. Violation of this will invite punishment under the rules of discipline. The following is the prescribed school uniform.


  • White half-sleeved shirt with school logo.
  • Navy blue box pleated tunic falling up to knees (Nur. - II)
  • Navy blue box pleated divided skirt falling up to knees (IV - VIII).
  • Navy blue box pleated divided skirt falling up to knees (IV - VIII).
  • Black/Blue L. Grey School shoes.


  • White half-sleeved shirt with school logo.
  • Navy blue short pants (Nur.-V)
  • Navy blue pants (VI-VIII).
  • School belt & white socks with navy blue stripes.
  • Black/Blue L. Grey School shoes with laces.Navy blue dastaar for Sikh boys.

Winter Uniform : For Boys & Girls

  • Maroon blazer or ‘V’ necked pullover with navy blue strips on the neckline, sleeves & border.
  • School tie & Identity card.
  • White woolen socks with navy blue strips.

School logo is compulsory on the shirts, tunics, blazers/cardigans/pullovers. On day of House Meetings, the school uniform for classes I to VIII will be white short pants/tunics/skirts, house T-shirts (in summers) & full sleeved shirts (in winters), white canvas shoes & white dastaar for sikh boys.

With the object of fostering a spirit of comradeship & healthy competition, the entire fraternity of students is divided into four houses, named after four major rivers of the country, viz. Brahmaputra, Ganga, Narmada and Satluj. House meetings are held weekly to prepare students for various inter & intra-house Competitions.